Tuesday, March 12, 2013


Well, it's a Tuesday afternoon and the sun finally came out again.  The snowflakes continued to fly most of the day.  Last night, I was chatting with a parent during our conference - due to snow days, they were cancelled and rescheduled twice.  We got to talking about how we are both "grammar hounds" and I remembered a picture I had taken during a recent trip to Colorado.  On my return flight, this is what I had to look at the entire flight home.  
Needless to say, it bothered me so much I had to take a picture.  Anyone else out there bothered by this?  If you don't see the mistake, you won't understand.  If you do see the mistake, are you as bothered as I was?  Just wanted to share...


  1. The fact that many of my teacher co-workers do not use the correct form of your/you're and their/they're/there drives me nuts!! I'm with you Lukes!

  2. I didn't even want to go there... but isn't is so sad? How can we expect our students to use those words correctly if we don't?
